
Welcome to Abbey Publishing Ltd.

We are a business-to-business media company providing authoritative digital online publications.

Building & Facilities’ Management (BFM) covers all the major FM areas of interest within the workplace and the built environment.

Bulk Solids Today is the bi-monthly magazine covering the storage, handling and processing of materials ranging from fine powders to the heaviest raw materials. BST was launched in 1996 and is now well established in the loose materials handling market.

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Building & Facilities Management and Bulk Solids Today.

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Originally launched in 1992 Building and Facilities Management has now become ‘the’ total facilities management publication.

Building & Facilities Management editorial content covers all the major FM areas of interest within the workplace and the built environment. This includes industry developments, company news, case studies and application stories, product news as well as articles from leading authorities within the marketplace. For more information, visit the BFM website or email James Scrivens.



Blue BST LogoBulk Solids Today is the bi-monthly magazine covering the storage, processing and handling of materials ranging from fine powders to  the heaviest raw materials. BST was launched in 1996 and is firmly established as a favourite within the industry.

Dedicated solely to product news, information and case studies, BST offers the busy purchaser and specifier of handling, storage and processing equipment, a comprehensive reference guide to all the latest products and services in an easy to read format. For more information, visit the BST website or email James Scrivens.